The time has come: From June 1st, Germany can be traveled around in local transport for only 9 euros a month. The one-time action is intended to protect the climate and relieve the wallet. But at the same time, a lot of questions arise – here are the most important answers.

Local public transport throughout Germany has probably never been so cheap: With special 9-euro monthly tickets, millions of people can get on buses and trains anywhere in the republic in June, July and August. With the special campaign, the traffic light coalition also wants to relieve non-drivers of the high energy costs. At the same time, it is a price experiment that should generally attract more passengers. It will be a major operation for the transport company to cope with the expected rush in such a way that the hoped-for charm offensive does not lead to frustration. And first, the Bundestag and Bundesrat still have to seal the financing.

When is the 9 euro ticket valid?

The ticket is valid from June 1st – and then in June, July and August for the calendar month. Sliding four-week periods, for example from mid-July to mid-August, are not possible. Holders can use it to travel nationwide in all buses, trams, subways, suburban trains and local and regional trains – regardless of whether they are operated by Deutsche Bahn or other providers. The price of 9 euros applies per month. Long-distance transport with ICE, Intercity and Eurocity, the green Flix trains and long-distance buses cannot be used. In addition, the ticket is only valid for 2nd class.

When can you buy the ticket?

The train and many transport associations have announced the start of sales for Monday. However, individual transport associations have already pushed ahead. The ticket will be available as normal from machines, ticket counters or online from the transport company. The industry is also planning a joint Internet sales platform.

What are the conditions?

The ticket costs a flat rate of 9 euros for any number of journeys in the calendar month. Tickets should also be available for all three months at once, according to Deutsche Bahn. There is no Bahncard discount on the 9 euros. If you already have a monthly or annual subscription, you should only be charged 9 euros for the three months. The subscribers receive a message from their provider or the transport association as to what the billing looks like: a reduction in direct debit or a refund of the difference. Such rules should also apply to semester or job tickets.

Can you take your bike with you for free?

If an existing subscription provides for it: yes – but only in the respective subscription area, as explained by the Federal Ministry of Transport. In general, a bicycle ticket must otherwise be booked. As a precaution, the railways sent a warning ahead that taking bicycles was not guaranteed because the trains were expected to be full. Better to avoid it on public holidays.

Can you reserve seats?

no Reservation options are usually only available for long-distance transport. However, the 9-euro ticket is valid for local transport.

Are there overcrowded buses and trains?

Public transport has not yet been a niche offer. Last year alone, more than three million passengers traveled in almost 22,000 regional trains on the state-owned railway alone. In the mornings and evenings during rush hour, there is quite a crowd on many lines in metropolitan areas – on summer weekends, regional trains to the countryside are generally full. The cheap tickets now fall in the holiday season, when school children and commuters sometimes do not travel at all. But some could use the ticket for excursions and vacation trips.

How big is the rush?

Nobody knows for sure. According to the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV), around 30 million users of the 9-euro ticket per month can be expected. But this is only an estimate. Politicians and the industry are counting on the fact that the spectacular campaign will now make many people really think about when and how buses and trains actually run in the area. It is also uncertain how simultaneous financial relief at filling stations will affect drivers’ willingness to switch. Because also from June 1st to August 31st, according to the plans of the coalition, the energy tax is to be reduced to the minimum specified under EU law. The tax rate for petrol is to be reduced by almost 30 cents and by 14 cents for diesel.

Will more or longer trains be running from June 1st?

The industry wants to get everything that rolls on rails and roads. Ordering extra vehicles and drivers on a large scale in one fell swoop and for a limited period of three months is not possible. Reserves are to be activated, “but they are not available on a significant scale”, explained the association of transport companies. According to the works council, the railway is making 40 to 50 additional double-decker cars operational, and there is not much more to it. More effort is likely to arise, for example, with cleaning and service.

Why isn’t the ticket free right away?

This proposal had actually been made by the federal states. Simply doing without tickets – and thus also controls – would have significantly reduced the effort, was one argument. One reason that a small amount of money is now being asked for is also to look beyond the end of the campaign. The use of paying customers can be better analyzed. Surveys are planned.

Who uses buses and trains on which routes when it is significantly cheaper?

This is an exciting question for transport companies and politicians – even if it is unlikely to stay at 9 euros per month.

Are the points mentioned a done deal?

More or less. Tomorrow only the Federal Council has to vote on the draft law.