Geminids 2018: Gets the best rain of stars of the year

Geminids 2018: what time, how and where to see the rain of stars this night

The Geminidas 2018 have its heyday this week. With start last December 4 and end the next day, 17, this rain of stars can be seen in its maximum splendor in the early morning of this Thursday (December 13) Friday (14 December).

in order To enjoy them, from National Astronomical Observatory (NAO) advise us to look at the sky after midnight in a direction opposite to the moon, and from a dark place.

For this reason, we have developed this guide with the ideal venues in each area of Spain in which to enjoy a rain of stars.


The beaches of Zahara de los Atunes, Camposoto (San Fernando), Levante (El Puerto de Santamaría) or the beach of la Barrosa in Sancti Petri (Chiclana), are some of the places where you can enjoy a rain of stars in Cadiz.

In Malaga, el Torcal de Antequera, Malaga Mountains, Sierra de las Nieves or Alfarnatejo are other locations suitable to enjoy the rain of stars.

The province of Granada has quite a few points from which to enjoy a rain of stars. The most significant, the Sierra Nevada mountains. Other points are the Plain of the Partridge, the Mirador de San Miguel Alto (Granada), the area of Cumbres Verdes and the Channel of the Espartera in La Zubia or the observatory of La Sagra, Puebla de don Fadrique).

In Almeria, you will be able to see the geminids in the viewpoint of the Vela Blanca, cala Rajá (Cabo de Gata), the Beach of the Dead or the Sierra Alhamilla.

The Natural Park of Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas is the best place to observe the rain of stars in Jaén. Another point in the province is the Sierra Sur of Jaén or in The Stride (Furnaces).

In Córdoba, The Park of Los Villares, the Plains of Espiel, the Valley of the Pedroches, or the Park of la Sierrezuela (Inns) are the best places.

And in the province of Seville, a few points are the Northern highlands, the Hill of the Iron, the Monastery of the Cartuja of Cazalla de la Sierra or the astronomical Observatory of the Castle of the Guards.

To finish, in Huelva, are the Sierra de Aracena, the Beach of El Rompido or the Hermitage of San Bartolomé (Alájar).


Those looking for the rain of stars in Aragon can move to Torrecilla de Valmadrid (Zaragoza), the Meadow of Cantalobos (Montalbán, Teruel, spain), the Technological Park Walqa (Huesca), the Chapel of the Joy (Monzón, Huesca) or the Astronomical Centre of Aragon (Huesca).


In Asturias, the environment of the Lakes of Covadonga is an incomparable setting to view the stars. Also the Natural Park of Monte Deva.


those Who find themselves in the Balearic islands, can take advantage of to move up to the Sierra de Tramuntana (Majorca) to see the rain of stars. Without moving away from the island, other areas are the Castell de Bellver, Na Bourgeois or the Playa des Carbo. In Menorca, Cala Pregonda or the Beach of Cavallería.

Canary islands

In the Canary islands could not be missed the highest point of Spain, the Natural Park of the Teide, from where will a direct. In Gran Canaria, the Astronomical Observatory of Temisas or the Centro Astronómico Roque Saucillo.


The Astronomical Observatory of Cantabria (OAC) is a good point to see the rain of geminids. Also, in the same Santander, a good point is the Boardwalk.

Castile – La Mancha

Some of the best areas to see the stars in Castilla – La Mancha is located in the castilian of the Sierra de Albarracín (Guadalajara and Cuenca), Los Yébenes (Toledo Mountains), the Astronomical Complex Hita (La Puebla de Almoradiel, Toledo), Yebes (Guadalajara) or the National Park of las Tablas de Daimiel (Ciudad Real).

Castile and León

In Castilla y León, the Sierra de Gredos (Avila) is one of the ideal places from which to watch the stars because of its dark skies and clean do not get light pollution. Also in Avila, a good place is Las Navas del Marqués.

In the province of Valladolid, the places par excellence are the Centro Astronómico de Tiedra, or in the capital of The Pinar de Antequera, the Park of the Strife, or the Viewpoint of Parquesol.

And in Zamora, in the Lago de Sanabria nature reserve, Arribes del Duero, or the viewpoints of the capital are the best areas. The Observatory of The Castle of Borobia (Soria), the ancient church of Becerril de Campos (Palencia), or the region of El Bierzo in Leon, are the other special environments to enjoy the rain of stars.


The Park Astronomical Montsec or the Swamp of Santa Fe (Montseny) offer one of the most beautiful environments in the community. In the city of Barcelona we find the Mirador of the Mayor or the Observatori Fabra and Tibidabo). In the rest of Catalonia, the Natural Park of Sant Llorenç (Terrace), the Park of the Montnegre and the Corredor or the Pyrenees of Lleida.

Valencian Community

In the city of Valencia, the Beaches of Malvarrosa and el Saler or the Cabecera Park are the most attractive places to see the geminids, and in the province, the Natural Park of The Albufera, Sierra de les Agulles. Also the Cabo de las Huertas (Alicante) and the Sierra Calderona (Castellón).


The place par excellence to see the stars in Extremadura is the National Park of Monfragüe, but can also be enjoyed in The ring (Cáceres), Los Barruecos or the Pico Villuercas (Cáceres) and Fregenal de la Sierra (Badajoz).


In Galicia, two places have been certified by the Starlight (which guarantees the uniqueness of the observation of the heavens), are the Parque Nacional das Illas Atlánticas (A Coruña and Pontevedra), and Pena Trevinca (Orense). But in addition to these locations, the stars can be enjoyed on Finisterre (A Coruña), Forcarey (Pontevedra), or the Cies Islands.


In Madrid, La Pedriza, El Escorial or Buitrago de Lozoya are natural places where you can enjoy the geminids.

see Also the National Park of Guadarrama or the municipality of Robledo de Chavela.If you don’t want to leave the capital, it’s best to approach one of the parks or viewpoints that exist as the Park of the Seven Tits or the Parque Juan Carlos I. we must Not forget the Home Field or the Temple of Debod.


Some of the best places to see the rain of stars in the Murcia region are the Castle of Lorca, the Cabezo de la Jara (Puerto Lumbreras) or the Calblanque Beach (Cabo de Palos, Cartagena). Also the Port of the Chain, or Eagles.


In all of Navarre, we find the Siege of Arjona, the natural Reserve of the Foz de Arbayún and the valley of Ultzama.

Basque Country

While in the Basque Country we can see the stars from the Mount Serantes (Biscay), the Urkiola natural Park or the Park of Garaio (Alava).

La Rioja

The Sierra de la demanda, which belongs to the provinces of Burgos and La Rioja, is a perfect place from where you can see the rain of stars. Another option in this community is to head up to a vineyard.

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