Escape the cold and the high energy costs: That sounds tempting and accordingly tour operators are increasingly advertising with long-term holiday offers. But how attractive is that really?

Gray skies, it’s getting colder every day and dark earlier. At the same time, heating and electricity costs are high. One would like to escape from all of this. And then suddenly an offer flutters into the house: travel agencies advertise long-term vacations in winter. “Winter under palm trees” or “Desk with a sea view” are the enticing headlines, which are not only aimed at pensioners and temporary dropouts, but also at people in the home office.

One or the other is already playing with the idea: Couldn’t you just spend the winter in the warm south? Save on heating costs at home or simply sublet the apartment? Would you rather work on the beach instead of in the bedroom? As tempting as it may seem at first glance, it doesn’t work without planning.

First of all, there are the costs: Of course, the comparatively low prices in the off-season are attractive. Travel providers advertise long-term vacations in holiday destinations where it is mild even in winter, and at the same time lure with discounts.

The Canary Islands, Mallorca, Portugal, Turkey, but also Tunisia and Egypt, for example, have the operator DER Touristik with the brands Dertour, ITS, Jahn Reisen, Meiers Weltreisen as “long-stay” destinations in the program. Discounts are often offered from a certain minimum length of stay, sometimes from 25 to 30 percent.

Travel agency FTI offers Turkey vacations at monthly prices, with free extras such as laundry service or room upgrades. In addition, a wide range of sports and entertainment offers are advertised. Germany’s largest tour operator, TUI, sees growing demand for long-term vacations. On average, vacationers stayed 24.7 nights with this form of travel and paid 2558 euros per person.

With own brands like Robinson and TUI Blue there are “special workation possibilities with specially furnished rooms with a desk, office chair and printer”. “With the new possibilities of working from home and flexible working time models, the Workation trend has created a whole new clientele,” says TUI Germany boss Stefan Baumert.

These package tours are without a doubt comfortable. But even with a discount, the extended holiday still has its price: Depending on the offer, you have to calculate a good 600 to 1500 euros for three weeks in a hotel complex in the south – per person, of course.

Alternatively, vacationers can go looking for an apartment or holiday home. This is particularly useful for families or several people. Of course, you have to consider that the costs for travel and meals for weeks must be added to the rent.

Advantage: Private landlords are also happy to give discounts for long rental periods. A disadvantage: The domiciles are often aimed at summer vacationers. So you should check if they have heating if the weather at your destination can get uncomfortable.

Keyword weather: Most holiday destinations popular in winter offer a mild climate when it is cold, wet and gray in Germany. But the temperatures that you might be used to from summer holidays cannot be expected in many of these destinations.

In the off-season, popular vacation spots are usually much less busy. Therefore, some of the gastronomy and leisure facilities on site could be closed. If in doubt, you should find out more directly from the organizer or landlord before booking. Or you can ask the regional tourism association.

Anyone who thinks they can save on all their energy costs at home with a long holiday in the south may be mistaken. On the one hand, part of the heating costs for rented apartments are usually billed per living area and not according to consumption. On the other hand: The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) warns that if you turn off the heating completely, there is a risk of mold in the apartment in the worst case.

However, the heating can be significantly reduced in the event of a longer absence of several weeks: A basic temperature of around 10 degrees, but at least 5 degrees, should be maintained in the rooms, advises the UBA. The German Energy Advisors Network, on the other hand, recommends heating all rooms to around 16 degrees on cold days, and even to around 18 degrees in poorly insulated buildings.

Ventilation is also important, especially if you have a lot of plants in the living room. Otherwise mold can form. You should say this to the person who is watering the plants when you are away: please always air them too!

The General Association of Insurers warns of frost damage to water pipes in unheated houses. Even the frost protection setting on the radiator (called frost monitor) only helps to a limited extent. With a view to energy costs, there is savings potential in the case of longer absences, especially in hot water and electricity consumption.

So that burglars do not look at the house as a target, experts advise, for example, to regularly switch on the light with a timer in the evening to make the house look occupied. The burglary protection initiative “Not with me”, for example, has compiled a list of tips.

The best protection is if the apartment is actually inhabited. So why not sublet it straight away? For this, however, you need the consent of the landlord – regardless of the period for which you sublet the apartment. Because paying guests are not considered visitors, explains the Berlin Tenants’ Association.

The question of the workation option remains: Many people are still working within their own four walls as a result of the corona pandemic. So why not move the office to where others vacation? And that without sacrificing vacation days. How convenient. That’s what Workation says in the name: to combine work with vacation. But stop! It sounds nice, but there are a few aspects to consider.

According to the Bremen Chamber of Employees, the following questions need to be clarified: Does the employer allow you to work from abroad? Is a work or residence permit required, for example outside the EU? Am I socially insured and liable for tax abroad (from 183 days)?

A quiet and air-conditioned environment and a comfortable workplace should definitely be provided. Coworking spaces for people on workation can now be found at many dream destinations abroad. Or you just have a suitably equipped hotel room.

Conclusion: Whether you work there or not – you really can’t really save money with long-term stays abroad. But if you keep that in mind with the tempting offers and plan realistically, you can with a clear conscience consider a break from the German winter under the sun and palm trees.

Workation is no longer a complete niche due to Corona. According to a Yougov survey, 12 percent of Germans have already worked from home at a holiday destination. The proportion was higher among younger people: among the 25 to 34 year olds, one in five (21 percent) stated that they had already done workation. Among those surveyed aged 55 and over, the proportion was 6 percent.