Energy is scarce and extremely expensive. Some people can hardly wait to live as energy self-sufficient as possible. Gladly also with a solar system on your own roof. But most of them lack the basic knowledge to plan and implement the thing successfully. Here are the top tips.

Electricity prices are chasing from one record to the next. And to make matters worse, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck was recently forced to declare the second alarm level for gas. Energy costs will therefore continue to rise. Homeowners in particular are becoming increasingly interested in self-generated solar power from their own roof.

The wishful thinking: Live energy self-sufficient thanks to your own solar system, battery storage, heat pump

One reason, most of them simply don’t know where to start when planning. Unlike when buying a car or house, many people interested in solar lack basic knowledge. So how can homeowners quickly and easily find the right solar system for them? dr Tim Rosengart, founder of the comparison portal Selfmade Energy, gives an overview of the most important tips. Here we go:

Use information portals

At first, most people just want to know: What fits on my roof? How much of my electricity needs can I cover with it? What will it cost me? And when is the next possible assembly date? There are various online comparison sites that provide answers to these questions. The solar calculator, for example, provides an initial overview. Otherwise it is worth taking a look at the website of the consumer protection center, the Stiftung Warentest or Finanztip.

Always get multiple offers

Although there is more transparency thanks to online research, the price differences between the providers are still large in some cases. Which is because demand has increased massively in recent months and the market is running hot. Solar companies are often fully booked. The solar system quickly costs 45,000 instead of 25,000 euros. It is therefore worth comparing several providers and not just listening to recommendations from acquaintances.

Don’t just rely on local providers

When looking for the right provider, most people look primarily in their region. While that’s laudable, it’s not always the best choice. There are also a number of larger, Germany-wide providers such as Enpal, Eigensonne or Zolar, who offer an all-round carefree package.

Check included services

Depending on the provider, different services are included in the offer. If you don’t look very closely, additional costs of several thousand euros will quickly arise. For example, scaffolding for installing the system quickly costs 1500 euros extra, a new meter cabinet 2500 euros – if they are not part of the scope of services. It’s also not uncommon for things like cables to end up listed as an additional service.

Expect waiting times

Demand increased significantly after the start of the Russian attack on Ukraine and the gas embargo. Anyone who decides in favor of a solar system today has to wait an average of at least six months before it is installed. Depending on the region and workload, waiting times of 12 to 18 months are possible. Most solar companies are even looking for the roofs that they prefer to equip with solar.

Think long term

Anyone who is interested in a solar system today should not only look at their current needs, but also in the future. Are you planning to buy an electric car? Will the old gas heating soon be phased out and will it be replaced by a heat pump? If this is the case, the solar system should be planned larger from the start.

If you have the money on the high edge, you should buy it

Everyone who has the choice between renting or buying and who has the necessary change in their account should opt for the purchase option. Not least because it is very difficult to compare rental and purchase models.

Check funding

Depending on the federal state, there are different funding options that you should take a very close look at. In Bavaria, for example, battery storage was subsidized until the beginning of this year. The KfW development bank also supports the purchase of photovoltaic systems with low-interest loans. In the future, operators of new plants should even get twice as much money if they feed all of the electricity generated into the grid.

Check out the roof

What many forget: Before you have a solar system installed on your roof for 15 to 20 years, you should check whether it is in good shape or whether modernization is due in the next few years. Once the system has been installed, replacing the roof would be an enormous effort because the entire system would have to be removed.

“Right now is exactly the right time to switch to solar energy. However, no hasty decisions should be made. Careful research is the be-all and end-all here,” says solar expert Dr. Tim Rosengart.

(This article was first published on Friday, July 08, 2022.)