Once upon a time, freckles were considered such aberrations that women would do anything to get rid of, or at least conceal, them.

Talk about an about-face: Now, freckles are downright desirable.

Topshop and other beauty purveyors sell “freckle pencils,” while Kickstarter-funded company Freck Yourself offers stencil-like adhesives that will leave your skin all sun-kissed and speckled. But hardcore freckle fetishists can go a step further: They can get these spots tattooed on their faces.

Semipermanent freckle tattoos use pigment in lieu of ink, can last up to three years and cost about $250, according to the site NewBeauty.

“I’d say for freckles, it’s clients who naturally will get some in the summertime with sun exposure, but want them yearlong,” Montreal-based tattoo artist Gabrielle Rainbow tells the beauty publication. Rainbow first experimented with faux freckles after seeing her best friend struggling with painting on a smattering of specks on her face each morning.

“I really don’t recommend tattooing your own face,” Rainbow tells NewBeauty. “But once I saw that it worked out, and I liked the effect, I decided to do hers.”

My clients are the prettiest, Kaçak Bahis freshly done eyebrows and freckles on @sarahtellierd.