Jackson Ptacek, just 5 years old, is on a mission.

Jackson, a Noblesville, Indiana resident, donated approximately 500 stuffed animals for children in need.

He said, “Mommy, I’ve been thinking for a long time about this, and finally I decided to tell you. Abbi Ptacek, his mother, said to NBC affiliate WKYC that she wanted to buy stuffed animals to give to children who need them.

Jackson answered her question about why he donated stuffed animals. He said that he didn’t want children to feel sad, but he wanted them to be able “to get their stuffed animal and feel happy.”

Jackson’s parents started asking their friends and relatives to send any of their unwrapped plush toys after Christmas. Jackson’s January of Joy was their touching act of kindness.

Jackson quickly began to collect hundreds upon hundreds of stuffed animals. He dropped them off at Noblesville Fire Department in February.

“This little hero was the one who came up with the idea and helped organize. He even carried the boxes of cookies and stuffed animals into the station. Jackson, thank you for your tireless efforts! The fire department sent this note. “The stuffed animals have been distributed to our apparatuses. They will be available for comforting children during calls.”

WKYC’s Ptacek said that her son picked the fire station because first responders could give toys and bears to children as they responded to calls.

He also donated some to Fueled for School in Noblesville, which provides lunches for students who are in dire need.

Ptacek stated that she hopes the stuffed animals will bring joy to the children who receive them.

“I think it’s just the time we are in. Everyone is going through difficult times. She said that if there’s a way to bring smiles to people’s faces, or even a little joy, it’s worth it.