Video shows that Gilbert Flores (41), had his arms raised and was holding a knife at the time he was shot dead by Bexar County sheriff’s deputies.

In 2015 a grand jury declined to indict Robert Sanchez and Greg Vasquez on criminal charges. Flores’ family filed civil suit and on Thursday, the jury found that the deputies Greg Vasquez and Robert Sanchez violated Flores constitutional rights.

Witnesses claim that Flores’ mother called 911 to report that her infant son had attacked her and her baby. Flores, as heard on the call, said he was going “suicide-by-cop”.

Robert Wilson, an attorney representing Flores’ family, stated to jurors that Flores opened fire on the deputies because they were not in danger.

Wilson stated, “You don’t shoot someone when they are standing still or surrendering.”

However, attorneys for the officers claimed that Flores was still a threat as he refused drop the knife.

After the jury’s verdict, the deputies did not comment.