A new and exciting food exhibition has opened in Manchester, showcasing the public’s fascination with food and how it is marketed. The exhibition, titled Sweet Dreams, is being held at Aviva Studios, a large warehouse space that is considered a cultural gem in the north. The show features cartoon characters, lasers, animated films, and audio to delve into our relationship with food and how it is presented to us.

One of the highlights of the exhibition is Chicky Ricky, a cartoon mascot for the Real Good Chicken Company, who must adapt to a new marketing strategy as trends and tastes change. The illustrator behind Chicky Ricky, Matthew Bessudo, explained that the character was initially inspired by traditional fast-food mascots but now has to navigate a rapidly evolving world. The exhibition draws inspiration from various forms of media such as film, theatre, video games, and animation.

Robin McNicholas, director of Marshmallow Laser Feast, which helped create Sweet Dreams, expressed the intention to reflect on the complexities of our relationship with food through a humorous, tragic, and bizarre lens. The exhibition aims to explore not only our connection to food but also our relationship with the natural world. Aviva Studios, where the exhibition is being held, is the largest arts venue in the UK since the opening of Tate Modern in London in 2000, costing £240 million.

Factory International, the operators of Aviva Studios, plan to host a blockbuster summer art exhibition each year. Last year, the venue showcased giant inflatables by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, attracting a significant number of visitors. Gaby Jenks, the digital director at Factory International, shared that Sweet Dreams is expected to captivate audiences and introduce them to the world of animation in an exhibition setting.

Sweet Dreams will be on display at Aviva Studios in Manchester until September 1st, offering visitors a unique and immersive experience exploring the fascinating world of food marketing and consumption. The exhibition promises to entertain and educate audiences of all ages, inviting them to reconsider their relationship with the food they consume and the way it is presented to them. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of a truly innovative and thought-provoking art experience in the heart of Manchester.