The daily newspaper La Provence presented L’Hebdo on Friday 1899, a new weekly magazine entirely devoted to the news and history of Olympique de Marseille (OM), the first issue of which will appear this Saturday, with Dimitri Payet at the ” a “. “A launch doesn’t happen that often. And it takes audacity to launch a press magazine at this time. But we believe in the press, print and digital,” declared Gabriel d’Harcourt, general manager of the La Provence group, during a press conference.

“The first reason for this launch is the passion around OM, undoubtedly the most popular club in France,” added Mr. D’Harcourt. “Long live 1899, we’re going to put all our enthusiasm into it. »

Under the eyes of some former glories like Eric Di Meco, Marcel Dib or Jean-Philippe Durand, the presses were then launched and the first issue of 1899 L’Hebdo – the year which corresponds to the founding of OM – was printed . It will be sold from Saturday at the introductory price of 2.90 euros (3.50 euros thereafter).

Reports, investigations, exclusive interviews

For this first issue, it is Dimitri Payet, former OM number 10, who is in the spotlight, with a report following his footsteps in Brazil, where he now plays. The first issue also offers an interview with Djibril Cissé, or a poster of Jean-Pierre Papin and Carlos Mozer during the 1990-1991 season.

In his editorial, the head of the La Provence sports department, Alexandre Jacquin, promises each week “long reports, in-depth investigations, exclusive interviews, large format photos, period stories, unpublished anecdotes”.