The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, declared on Sunday December 10 that he was ready to support former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe in the presidential election of 2027. “I think that Edouard Philippe is best placed today, as I speak to you,” he told the media Brut, which asked him about his own presidential ambitions. “I don’t particularly dream of being President of the Republic. I am very proud to be Minister of the Interior at 40,” he explained while adding “you can’t say never.”

Gérald Darmanin had already estimated at the beginning of October that Edouard Philippe was best placed for the next presidential election, for which Emmanuel Macron will not be able to run after two consecutive mandates. But he also wondered about his “desire” and his “project”.

“I think we have to support the best placed because I believe that Ms. Le Pen can win the presidential election. I think it’s dangerous for our country, even if I respect Ms Le Pen,” he told Brut on Sunday. “I hope that Edouard Philippe can wear this if he respects a certain number of things on which we can agree or not,” he added, without further details.