It is at 18.42 which is the police, medical and rescue service was alerted to a road traffic accident on the E18 motorway in Kent.

It was an exit on the E18 towards a different path in an easterly direction, that is, a car pulled up at the two in front of the cars. It is negligence on the part of the car was on its roof, the others should be run out of the way.

Police blocked a bridge on the E18 highway at Rudsmotet a fleral groups.

one of the five people involved, there is a pregnant woman and a child. These, along with the two have been brought to the hospital with what police are said to be non-life-threatening injuries.

“The first consideration was that, under the circumstances of the case, if fairly minor damage,” said Bjorn Johansson, a on the fire and rescue service.

”Messy, on-the-spot”
It must have been a pretty high-trafficked at the time of the accident, ” he said.

” There’s a lot of traffic and the mess on the ground. It is in a very central location. It has been the poor road access in there, but I think I’ll start off easy, now, ” he said.

19.20-time emergency crews just left.

the Police department will establish a notification about the suspected misconduct in traffic.
