the agency has stopped trafiktillståndet of the iranian airline Iran Air, which operates direct flights between Tehran and stockholm Arlanda airport, respectively, Airport, on request, from the Folkhälsomyndigheten (FHM).

in the FHM’s director general, John Carlson, said at a press conference on Monday that ”the situation is fluid and unsettling, in combination with the fact that it will be quite large groups at the airport, which is the local smittskydden a situation is hard to deal with”.

in Addition, he added, it has been difficult to get the passengers from the islamic republic of Iran to take part in the smittspårning”.
Sensible is to stop the direktflygen world
It is wise to obstruct the travel from Iran to Sweden to stop the direktflygen, even if motivated, people may take the second route. The iranian authorities ‘ handling of the covid-19 does not inspire confidence.

the BBC, and the Dark could be, for example, report that the number of deaths was 34, but the 210 after calling around to the hospitals.

after that, he left, it is different from the Folkhälsomyndigheten. To Italy, to stop the flight from the coronadrabbade areas ”is not a very good idea,” he said, Folkhälsomyndighetens statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell of the world, ”People are traveling anyway, but the other roads in the country, which makes it all the more difficult to control”.

< Coronarisk in Sweden and raised
In an ongoing emergency situation, it is difficult to know exactly what action they should take. The infection was new, and not WHO someone else knows exactly how it is transmitted.

in the morning, as Folkhälsomyndigheten increased risk of coronaspridning in Sweden, from the low-to-moderate, joined the agency, and criticized schools that called on students who had travelled in affected areas to be quarantined. Only the sick children to be at home, was the message.

In Stockholm, sweden are cared for in a färdtjänstchaufför is now in the hospital for a covid-19, smittspårning of my clients is in progress. What if the next illness, to work in a nursing home? Jobs where you work with old or sick, should encourage all of the employees who have come back from trips to China, in the north of Italy, the republic of Korea, Japan and the islamic republic of Iran to stay at home for two weeks.

To stay in the home only in case of fever, and a cough might not be enough. According to the european centre for disease, it is not clear whether people with no or mild symptoms (like the case of a cold) can also infect the.

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