children have been busy during the Corona-time is only half the length of the school such as in front of Corona. Students have, on average, only 3.6 hours with the school, in front of Corona, a total of 7.4 hours. 38 percent met no more than two hours of the day, 74 per cent, a maximum of four hours. The parents have tried many things to balance. While you learned before the school closures, a half-hour, together with the child, doubled the time to an hour a day.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

This has led to great tensions in families: 28 percent of parents reported that they had been fighting more often with your child. The ifo survey of 1099 parents in Germany, from 3. June to 1. July was conducted. The non-academic parents assess the learning losses as greater than the parents with an academic degree.

it is Alarming how little children by their teachers feedback received or personally with them were able to speak. Only 6 percent had daily common Online teaching, more than half once per week. Rarer still, they had individual contact with their teachers. Especially academics, children and weaker students, who needed support from the teachers especially-were affected.

The survey also shows that in the essential tasks of blades for processing have been sent a Video-conference would have been a significant progress. 64 percent of the students were also given once per week feedback on the Tasks.

“The results show how important it is that we return in compliance with the protection measures to return to normal school lessons. Where closures are inevitable, should change the schools directly to Online instruction,“ said Ludger Wößmann, head of the ifo center for the Economics of Education. The students did significantly less for the school and worked more with television, computer games and mobile phones. Prior to Corona, there were on average 4.0 hours, while the Corona-time of 5.2 hours.