Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has been overcome, according to its own statements, Corona infection. The last test result was negative, wrote the right-wing head of state on Saturday in an entry in the social media. The infection with the novel Coronavirus had been diagnosed just three weeks ago with him.

Bolsonaro writes the claims to a mild course of the infection and the rapid recovery of his treatment with the antimalarial agent hydroxychloroquine. “Good Morning to all”, he declared in the entry and held on the posted photo, smiling a pack of the product into the camera.

so Far, however, there is no scientific evidence for the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine against the Coronavirus, its use against the infection, researchers and doctors are controversial. Also, the us President, Donald Trump had repeatedly advertised for hydroxychloroquine. In contrast, the world health organization (WHO) had set out the clinical studies on the use of hydroxychloroquine against severe Coronavirus infections. The organization justified the step that previous studies had shown no Lowering of the mortality rate at Covid-19-patients by means of.