was asked If Alexander Gauland to the dispute and the direction of the fight in the AfD, he used for a long time the term, “gäriger heap”. It seemed so, as he sympathy for the ruffians in the party and think of the bickering and tug-of-war with the Mildness of a paternal observer who has witnessed many political battles. Gauland was since the founding of the AfD in 2013 so far, their most important leadership figure. Although he drove the party to the right, not the place for it so far is that spin-offs led to the disintegration. As a CDU politician in the state of Hesse, he had seen up-close how the battle at the time, still young and Green in the wings to fight to erode without completely. He seemed to be of the opinion that young parties to survive such fights.

Eckart Lohse

head of the Parliamentary office in Berlin.

F. A. Z. Twitter

What Gauland said the newspaper “world on Sunday”, sounds like has been lost to the 79-year-old Chairman of the parliamentary group and the honorary Chairman of the party, this Serenity. With a view to the further intensification of the dispute over the right edge belonging to the Brandenburg group Chairman Andreas Kalbitz Gauland made the party Chairman Jörg Meuthen, once again, serious accusations. Then he summarized: “I can’t keep the party together, if you divided this way.” His attempt to keep the AfD in this case together have lasted “a midnight hour”, he described his attempt, Meuthen of the Effort to dissuade, to urge Kalbitz from the AfD: “I can’t do that.” Gauland reiterated his doubts as to the neutrality of the Federal arbitration court of the AfD, which had recently confirmed the cancellation of the membership of the Kalbitz. Meuthen, he threw, with a “Trick” to work, Kalbitz to get rid of. The whole Interview is documented, how the mood between two of the leading AfD poisoned politician is.