Chancellor Scholz has now arrived in Washington to meet President Biden. Although he didn’t take any German journalists with him, he spoke to the US press.

Before his meeting with US President Joe Biden in the White House, Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasized the trusting relationship with the United States. The SPD politician told journalists in Washington that relations between Germany and the United States are “better than they have been for many years.” This is important in these times of “Russia’s terrible war of aggression against Ukraine”.

But the further development of transatlantic cooperation will also be important “in the long term”, said Scholz. “The basis for this is trust, that you keep talking and discussing with each other, and that’s exactly what we do,” he added.

The Chancellor will be received at 2 p.m. (local time, 8 p.m. CET) in the White House by US President Joe Biden. The central topic of the talks in Washington will be the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. It is likely to be about further aid for Kiev, but possibly also about China’s growing importance in the Ukraine war. In the run-up to the trip, Scholz had said that “close coordination” with the USA should be continued in the talks with Biden. The transatlantic partnership is “closer and more trusting than ever”.

However, there had also been differences of opinion between Berlin and Washington when it came to supporting Ukraine. In January, for example, tensions arose between the two governments over the issue of supplying western main battle tanks. According to National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Scholz had made it a condition for a delivery of German Leopard 2 tanks that the Americans also deliver tanks of the Abrams type. The federal government had said, however, that there was “no Junktim”.

What is unusual about this “working visit” is that the Chancellor did not take any journalists with him to Washington, and no press conference is planned. However, Scholz will give an interview to the US broadcaster CNN. In “ntv Frühstart” and before that in the Bundestag, CDU leader Friedrich Merz Scholz had asked to explain the reason for his trip. He made his inaugural visit as Chancellor in Washington in February 2022 and is now being received in the White House for the second time.