today it is one of three men in custody suspected of serious environmental crimes. According to the prosecutor, the parties involved in the disposal of battery waste from the Urecycle in London.

the So-called ” black mass, from the recovery of standard alkaline batteries should be thrown in a variety of locations in south-central Sweden. The field of the Triangle, a byggtomt in Örebro, sweden, and is a result of an accident in the Game, among other things.

in Addition to the mass, have been found in connection with the residential building, according to the P4 in the mail.

in the Environment, and the klimatminister Isabella firmly respond to the alleged dumping.

” It is a terrible thing and, of course, is completely unacceptable. It is illegal to dump toxic waste in the nature, to do so is a gross cynicism and greed.

”It’s horrible that the batteries of the Swedish people to be placed in the red box have ended up on the field,” says Isabella Lövin (MP).Photo by: : HENRIK MONTGOMERY/TT / TT NEWS agency the Bags with the black mass, set in the town of Eskilstuna.Photo: the Private / Private Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode

” We’ve already been given the mandate by the environmental protection agency to develop a digital record, so that you can track and trace the transportation of hazardous waste both from within the country but also across national borders. We know that waste management is an area where we could see the activity inside the fight against organised crime. It is important that we put a stop to the clean-gangstermetoder, ” says Isabella.

She continued.

” as a general Principle, the producers have a responsibility to take care of their own hazardous wastes. If they don’t do that, we need to review the law, and to be even more stringent. It is, of course, it is that the batteries of the Swedish people to be placed in the red box, may have been the one to leave.

“we can increase oversight further and put even more pressure on the producers to actually report on what wastes they can handle,” she says. ”There will always be individuals who flout the laws,”
However, when it is about battery recycling, and waste management, it is often a long chain, with a number of different companies involved in it.

the Finnish Urecycle is responsible for the recycling of the batteries, which can be caught in the wild. They are blaming the failures of their now-failed a subcontractor to LM-group, which, in turn, had a number of other firms in dealing with the black mass.

minister for the Environment Isabella could think of a stronger law in order to deal with those who dump their waste.Photo by: JANERIK HENRIKSSON/TT / TT NEWS agency , a battery of the type that is suspected of flagrant violation of human rights in the countryside.Photo by: by ADAM IHSE / TT / TT NEWS agency Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode

According to Isabella, the digital detection help to overcome the problem.

” You will follow the whole process of the hazardous waste. We have also set aside more money for the environmental protection agency and the county administrative board in order to work, traceability, and supervision. You are going to have more muscles to verify the location of this waste ends up somewhere.

” It is a serious concern. You should feel confident that the collection will be disposed of in the correct manner. It is the government’s highest priority. We have taken a number of steps in the past year, and I’m hoping that this is the one event where you can fill any of the gaps in the legal framework.

” Then there will always be individuals who behave recklessly and in disregard of the laws of the land. It’s hard to completely avoid it in the future.

” yes, Yes, absolutely.

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