Union faction Deputy Arnold Vaatz (CDU) has accused the Berlin police in connection with the Demonstration against the Corona-rules from the last Saturday of the GDR, methods, and some sharp criticism. “The brazen small invoice of the participants of the Demo numbers from 1. August by the Berlin police is roughly equivalent to the chatter of the “riot of a few hooligans”, with the help of the GDR media were expecting at the beginning of the demonstrations in the autumn of 1989, the small,” wrote Vaatz in a guest post for the platform, “Tichy’s insight”.

From the SPD, sharp criticism came from. SPD-Secretary-General Lars Klingbeil tweeted on Thursday: “A high-CDU responsible to those who put their heads on for our safety, in the back, and pulls bad DDR comparisons. The party line, the CDU is?“ The Parliamentary Manager of the SPD group in the Bundestag, Carsten Schneider, said the news portal “t-online.de”: “Unfortunately, Arnold Vaatz nourishes with his statements, conspiracy theories, and discredited the work of the police.”

Kühnert: Vaatz’ Comments “unacceptable”

A spokesman for the Union group, distanced himself, at the request of Vaatz’ article with the words: “Mr. Vaatz has not expressed in the opinion contribution of his personal opinion as a MdB, this reflects the attitude of the Union group in the German Bundestag.”

The Policy of the Federal managing Director of the Green Michael Kellner, accused Vaatz, “to denounce the democratic state of law and the free press”. “The CDU must disagree with this crap,” he wrote on Twitter. The Deputy SPD Chairman Kevin Kühnert language “t-online.de” from “unacceptable Remarks” Vaatz’. “The Union should have learned that you can bring back anyone from the right-wing populism, by copying its methods.”

Vaatz wrote in the post: “The more dangerous trying to get roads empty, was at the time the allegation that the protesters were not acting on behalf of the CIA and BND.” Today you can try the following to get by warning, “be careful who you show in the first place.” To stressed at the beginning of his contribution, the Saxon CDU politician, that he “keep the requirements of the governments to contain the Corona of a pandemic is right, and your compliance is necessary”. He criticized, however, that at the Demonstration on Saturday in Berlin, and the Anti-racism demonstrations that “Black Lives Matter” would have created different standards.