After the Corona onset at the meat processor Tönnies the authorities to impose a Lockdown also for the Neighbouring district of Warendorf. There are contact restrictions, sports in closed areas, and numerous cultural events were forbidden, said the NRW health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) on Tuesday. As of Thursday, would be closed in addition to schools and daycare centers in the district. The Federal state of Schleswig-Holstein imposed in addition to a mandatory Quarantine for travellers from the North Rhine-Westphalia, Corona Hotspots. You need to go to the port of entry in your apartment or in a suitable accommodation, in order to isolate 14 days, informed the state government.

Because of the Corona outbreak in a slaughterhouse in the Tönnies group have had the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia, previously a Lockdown for the district of Gütersloh announced. For the first time since the Corona-loosening is to be conducted in Germany, a whole circle back “to the measures that have been applied a few weeks ago,” said Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) on Tuesday in Düsseldorf. The measures are valid until the end of June, but can also be extended. The purpose should be to “calm the Situation” and “testing to expand”. Until the end of the month will give more clarity about the extent to which people who do not work in the case of Tönnies, the Virus had infected, said Laschet.

Under the terms of the lock downs may now take only a maximum of two persons, or members of the same Household. Starting this Wednesday should be banned in the circular, among other things, in sports, in confined spaces, and many cultural events. Fitness studios are also closed, such as cinemas and Bars. Pubs should only open under tougher conditions.

free Corona-Tests for all

It was at the outbreak in the meat plant in Rheda-Wiedenbrück, Germany, the largest individual infection events in Germany, said Laschet. A “special situation” arises due to the scattering of the places and the internationality of the workforce. 1553 employees of the slaughterhouse are now been tested positive for the Virus. Other cases could there be in their family environment. Therefore, the number of Infected is higher. At the same time, there is in the circle, but only 24 confirmed Corona infections in people who do not work in the case of Tönnies, said Laschet. Nevertheless, the state government had to Lockdown determined to minimize the risk of infection. “What are we doing here, not in Germany,” said Laschet.

All citizens could be free to try to get certainty about your personal Situation, said Laschet. “We will carry out a representative test of the population, in order to get a real picture of the situation.”

holidays remains allowed

The Prime Minister made it clear that the measures apply only to the district of Gütersloh. There is, however, no restrictions on Exit. “We have not issued travel bans”, said Laschet. He appealed to the inhabitants, “to drive now out of the circle into other circles”. 29. June start in North Rhine-Westphalia summer holidays, many have already booked holiday.