An angry crowd demanded the visit of the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, in the devastated Beirut, its support for the overthrow of the Lebanese government. “Help us!” and “Revolution!”, the people chanted on Thursday, as a Macron, the Christian district of Gemmayze visited. Many chanted: “The people want the fall of the regime!” Macron has called on Lebanon’s government to reforms, the fight against corruption, and overall, a “change of system”. At the same time, he campaigned for international assistance for the country.

Two huge explosions had rocked late Tuesday evening, the city. According to the latest data of the authorities were killed at least 137 people and more than 5000 others were injured, and dozens were still missing. Up to 300,000 people were left homeless, destroyed or damaged Beirut accordingly.

Many Lebanese make up incompetence and corruption on the part of the government and of the authorities responsible for the disaster. Exploded, according to official data, a huge amount of ammonium nitrate, which was for many years housed without the necessary safety precautions in a warehouse at the port. In the economically hard-hit Land, it had come previously again and again to mass protests.

Macron was arrested on his arrival at Beirut international airport by Lebanese President Michel Aoun in reception and assured further help: “We will help you in the coming days to organise additional support on the French and European level.” This stand in the foreground.

But he was also here “to start a new political Initiative,” he said further. He demanded “vital reforms”, otherwise, it will continue the decline of the country continue. “We know that the crisis is over, the Explosion also seriously,” added Macron. And the current Governments had a responsibility. He wanted to propose a “new Pact” for the political Lebanon, he said later in Beirut with a view to its planned talks with government representatives.