the interest in The voluntary military service in the Bundeswehr remains at a low level. In the first half of the year 2020 of approximately 5200 men and women for 7 to 23 months the right to take the service applied for, in the whole of last year 11.200. For comparison: In the first years after the suspension of conscription in 2011, the applicants were still more than 18,000. The current structure of the Ministry of defence, which is present the German press Agency.

The voluntary military service has been around since 1996, but he got only with the suspension of conscription in mid-2011 is of greater importance. 2012 19.300 men and women applied for it, but since then the number has decreased almost every year. Only from 2018 to 2019, there was a slight increase of 10,700 to 11 200.

The Ministry of defence, the falling Figures as of 2016, a change of strategy. At the time, since the end of the Cold war, the continued reduction in troop strength was stopped and again on the human growth set. That is why it is advertised according to the Ministry, since then, strengthened by time, soldiers who commit for a minimum of 24 months. The number of which, parallel to the decrease of the conscripts increased, said a spokeswoman of the dpa. The total number of applicants for Places in the army have located in the past nine years stable between of 52,000 and 59,000.