they broke into the building, from the rolled-up fire hoses, and put all of the floors under water: Last February, the extreme left have it consists of the village a stop on the empty Federal asylum centre in Lyss, BE committed.

Only at the Request of the SVP-parliamentarian, the Federal government saw itself in the obligation to disclose the extent of the devastation. The Federal office for buildings and logistics (BBL) estimated the property damage at 800’000 Swiss francs. This is evident from the answer of the Federal Council on a question of the Bernese national Council Lars Guggisberg (42).

But the financial consequences are even greater: in order to prevent further attacks on the asylum centre, is guarded the site since the act of vandalism. The costs each and every month an additional 50’000 Swiss francs.

extremists with the fact,

Publicity to the attack on the asylum centre until the offender Autonomous on the left of the online platform were proud of it. You have want against the “racist migration regime” and prevent protest, that more asylum seekers would be imprisoned in it consists of the village “and isolated”. “We hope that the water makes as many as possible parts of the building unusable,” said the extremists.

The SEM had the Federal asylum centre, it consists of the village because of persistently low asylum last autumn, numbers temporarily closed. It is currently being rebuilt and expanded. Because of the stop of the Expansion, the Federal government was delayed. Overall, the time should be adhered to, and all Work should be completed in the summer of 2021.

police found the perpetrator not

SVP-politicians Guggisberg is outraged. For him, the attack is a “big indictment”. For the Bernese, it is “sad if you damage the facilities, which will be shelled out by the taxpayer”.

It is not the first Time the left protest extreme activists with violence against the Expansion of the asylum centre in the Bernese Seeland, as the “Berner Zeitung” reported. Also, companies that are involved in the conversion, have already been victims of attacks. So activists have been fired, for example, the car of an employee of a construction company.

The state Secretariat for Migration has reported, after the attack in February, a complaint against an unknown. The investigations by the police, however, are lost in the Sand. As the police informs, on request, of VIEW, could not be identified or the offender.