In the Berlin district of Lichtenberg, a tie between the direct candidates could still be averted. The CDU candidate Dennis Haustein wins by ten votes. However, the last word has not yet been spoken.

In the Berlin district of Lichtenberg, after some back and forth, the CDU direct candidate Dennis Haustein was declared the winner of his constituency 3 in the repeat election of February 12. He received 4254 votes and thus 10 votes more than the next-placed candidate on the left, Claudia Engelmann (4244), and is moving into the state parliament as a member of parliament. This was determined by the district election committee. Engelmann does not want to recognize the result and called for a complete “check count” for the entire constituency.

If this is not done by the time the official final result is determined at state level on February 27th, she will appeal to the Berlin Constitutional Court, she explained afterwards. This includes an application for an injunction to postpone the meeting of the newly elected House of Representatives. 466 postal ballot documents had to be added to the provisional result late in the district because they had been left in the post office. There were also two more ballot letters that had landed in another district. In the meantime, a new unofficial result had emerged on Wednesday.

There were reports of a tie between Haustein and Engelmann, but this was not officially confirmed. In the event of such a stalemate, the lot should have decided. Media reports then said that in the course of a check, the recount of further votes from a polling station showed that the CDU was just ahead.