The president of the National Rally (RN) Jordan Bardella will ask Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday to organize a referendum on France’s immigration policy on June 9, 2024, at the same time as the European elections.

The Head of State must receive the parties represented in Parliament at the Legion of Honor education center in Saint-Denis, near Paris, in order to build legislative texts “together” and pave the way, “if necessary”, in referendums, in the absence of an absolute majority in the National Assembly.

“The urgency of the situation calls for a consultation of the French people (…) on our immigration policy, containing all the measures to regain control of it”, writes Jordan Bardella in anticipation in a letter to the President of the Republic whose AFP obtained a copy.

“There can be no national and republican surge without an awareness of the dangers of immigration of settlement and without a complete change in this policy, towards more firmness, requirement and control”, affirms- he.

The president of the RN will also question the head of state on the purchasing power of the French by asking for a “moratorium on any increase in taxes and duties” until the end of the five-year term in 2027.

It will also focus on the “lower energy bills and fuel prices, the tax exemption of salary increases of up to 10%, and the abolition of the CVAE (contribution on the added value of companies, editor’s note) in order to to encourage reindustrialisation”.

Referring to the “school crisis”, Jordan Bardella calls for an “overhaul of school curricula” with particular emphasis on “the history of the Nation” and “better attractiveness of the vocation of teacher by a revaluation extra pay”.

On all these subjects, the French “want clear acts, which express the infallible will to restore the authority of the State and to protect the identity of France”, he insists.

The party leaders are invited to an afternoon of discussions and a dinner, a “loyal outstretched hand”, assures Emmanuel Macron, a few weeks after violent urban riots in order to find ways to “converge without denial or renunciation”.

After wanting to dismiss the National Rally (RN) and France insoumise (LFI), the Elysée changed its mind and finally invited these two formations that the macronie nevertheless judges outside the “republican arc”.

08/28/2023 20:39:38 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP