WASHINGTON — On Thursday, President Joe Biden stated that efforts to clean up the Great Lakes would receive a substantial boost of $1 billion from the bipartisan Infrastructure package.

Biden stated that “For decades there was a lot talk, a lot plans but very little progress, and it was slow,” during his remarks in Lorain. That has changed today.

Michael Regan, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency introduced the president. He said that the investment would greatly accelerate cleanup of the Great Lakes after years of hazardous pollution buildup.

Regan described the infrastructure law as a “game-changer” for communities in the Great Lakes region.

He stated that this was a unique opportunity to create a better America. This includes ensuring that America’s water infrastructure can withstand climate change, and to remove legacy toxic pollution from overburdened communities. To create a future in which all children can enjoy local streams and rivers without danger or harm, regardless of their skin color, income, or zip codes.

Biden’s November signing of the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill was a victory. He made rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure the centerpiece of his campaign, and told Americans that he could help usher into a new era bipartisan cooperation.

Monday’s announcement by the Biden administration was that a $5 billion investment would be made to construct electric vehicle charging stations in the United States. This is another component of the infrastructure law.

“Now, with our Infrastructure Law, we’re investing in our economy, in our people, reclaiming leadership, and creating millions more jobs to build a better America. Biden stated that this is what they’re going to do.

According to The EPA, 43 sites have been identified in the United States and Canada — 26 of which are located in the United States — as areas of concern. These sites contain contaminated sediments that make the water unsuitable for swimming, fishing or other purposes.