specialist doctors in Germany, the privately insured often much faster for an appointment as a cash patient. The researchers from the Leibniz found the Institute for economic research in eating out. The scientists found in a study of “structural inequalities in access to the health system”, after ‘ offices at nearly a thousand doctor in the whole of Germany under a pretext appointments had asked it. When researchers are spending on the phone as private patients, were not only more likely to have a date offered as the supposed cash patients, they had to wait only half as long.

Kim-Björn Becker

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

private less than twelve working days, cash patients, approximately 25 insured waited in the middle. The researchers noted a “systematic patient selection” of Doctors. This was true for gastroenterologists, in which the researcher requested an appointment for a gastroscopy, as well as for the allergist, where they wanted a Allergy test. In the case of the ear, nose and throat Doctors, they asked, in addition, a listening test, the differences were not so evident. The insurance status of the patients for many Doctors, therefore, a “significant influence on the willingness to arrange a meeting”, – stated in the study. The researchers consider the difference in compensation is crucial. Physicians can charge privately insured for the same service, usually more money. Uniform fees would reduce the inequalities, to conclude it.

“the lens we have considered a General waiting time problem”

doctors ‘ representatives reject the criticism. The Chairman of the Board of the cash-medical Federal Union, Andreas streets, and look into the different wait times are no Problem. “Objectively, we have no General waiting time problem,” says streets. “International perspective, we are top-notch.” Moreover, the significance of the study in question. The data were collected prior to law reform, the Doctors obliged, more office hours to offer. The law written by the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), is entered over a year ago and should lead to shorter waiting times.

The SPD-health expert Karl Lauterbach, however, is convinced that the Reform has not solved the Problem, this is evidenced by the study in retrospect, still. “It remains the case that the same power is remunerated differently,” says Lauterbach. For him it was “nonsense” that there were two competing security systems and waiting times for NHS patients to be higher than necessary. Lauterbach is committed to the privately insured in the statutory health insurance to include. Also the Green challenge in the design of your new policy programme to abolish private health insurance and a so-called citizens insurance to introduce. Thus, “we can make the charges fair, and for all viable to develop,” – said in the draft of the program. “Health and care needs are all available. There should be no difference in access to income or insurance status.“

In the CDU, one thinks of such plans, nothing. “We need to get away from the envy of debate,” says Erwin Rüddel (CDU), the Chairman of the health Committee in the German Bundestag. The specialists would prefer to be private patients, would save the majority of the Insured in the calculation of a day waiting period, and higher contributions need to be paid, said Rüddel.