“Russian actors” have tried according to the British government, in the Parliament election in the UK last year, to interfere. Foreign Minister Dominic Raab said on Thursday, the government consider it as “virtually assured” that the Russian side to influence the election was attempted. Meanwhile, the UK National centre for cyber security, said that Russian hackers have spied on Corona-researchers in the United States, Canada, and the UK.

The group APT29, also known as the Cozy Bear, have tried to gain access to academic and pharmaceutical research facilities, in which a vaccine against the novel Coronavirus is looking for. Cozy Bear is, according to the United States, part of the Russian secret service.

whether the hackers captured actually research the data that were not specified. The continuing attacks were apparently designed to secure such data and to torpedo not the purpose of the research, it was from secret service circles. Cozy Bear was also made together with another group called Fancy Bear for the hacker attacks on the Democrats before the American election in 2016, responsible.

To interference in the British elections in 2019, it said on Thursday, in a written Declaration of the British foreign Minister at the Parliament in London: “On the basis of a thorough analysis, the government came to the conclusion that it is virtually assured that Russian actors have tried, in the election of 2019 to interfere.”

This is about the mass dissemination of illegally obtained government documents on the Internet manner. The documents related to the information of the Minister on trade-related matters between London and Washington.

In the case of the early parliamentary elections on 12 June. December had retracted the conservatives under Prime Minister Boris Johnson a clear victory; Johnson took the promise with the choice, after years of wrangling to pull the Brexit to full.

In the coming days, the intelligence Committee of the Parliament wants to publish, moreover, his report to the suspicion of Russian interference in the Brexit vote in June 2016. The British had decided at the time by a narrow majority in favour of withdrawal from the European Union. This is also the case of the presidential election in the same year, in the United States suspect that Russia could have manipulated the vote.