Patricia Guerrero is a judge for the California 4th District Court of Appeal and has been nominated as an associate justice of California Supreme Court. Gavin Newsom made the announcement Tuesday.

Guerrero, if confirmed, would be the first Latina member of the California Supreme Court.


“I am honored by this amazing opportunity to uphold law and make positive impact on the lives Californians across California,” Guerrero stated in a statement. I look forward to instilling confidence in the integrity and equality of our judiciary system, honoring my immigrant parents, and showing young people that anything is possible within our amazing and diverse country.

According to Newsom’s office, Guerrero (50) is a respected jurist who has extensive experience as an appellate justice judge, trial court judge and partner at a major law company, as well assistant U.S. Attorney.

Guerrero, the daughter of Mexican immigrants is a native of Imperial Valley, Southern California. She worked in a grocery store when she was 16 years old, before graduating highschool as a covaledictorian. She earned her Juris Doctor from Stanford Law School and University of California, Berkeley.

Guerrero helped others at the retention and recruitment center while she was in school.

Helen Iris Torres is the CEO of Hispanas Organized for Political Equality. She celebrated Guerrero’s appointment and called it “a momentary of historical progress.”

Torres stated in a statement that Justice Guerrero will be crucial as California’s highest Court addresses vital issues. These include reproductive rights, immigration reform, criminal justice reform and discriminatory work practices. Education is also important.

Guerrero was an assistant U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of California between 2002 and 2003. Later, Guerrero was hired as an associate by Latham & Watkins. She became a partner in 2006.

Guerrero is an appellate justice and has been serving since 2017. Prior to her appointment to the 4th District Court of Appeal she was a judge at San Diego County Superior Court between 2013 and 2017.

Guerrero was also a supervising Judge for the court’s Family Law Division in 2017.

Newsom stated in a statement that Justice Guerrero is a “quick legal mind” and a well-respected jurist.

Guerrero, in line to succeed Associate Justice MarianoFlorentino Cuellar as her replacement, is awaiting confirmation

According to Newsom’s office, Guerrero also participated in pro bono work in the appellate and immigration courts system. He assisted clients in immigration matters like asylum applications and protected vulnerable families by litigating fair housing laws compliance.

The state bar will submit the nomination to its Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation. It will then be confirmed by the Commission on Judicial Appointments.