WASHINGTON — Donald Trump supporter entered the U.S. Capitol through a broken window, and declared that “this is war” Jan. On Wednesday, 6 was sentenced for 45 days in prison

Mariposa Castro (also known as Imelda Acosta) went live on Facebook Jan. 6, when she was at Capitol’s western front. This is where the most violent attacks against law enforcement occurred during the Capitol siege. She also entered the Capitol Building while she was on the inauguration platform.

On Wednesday morning, U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton sentenced Castro. He said Castro appeared “gleeful” to be happy about Jan. 6. He also assessed Castro a $5,000 fine for claiming that Jan. 6’s attack “totally undermined the peaceful transfer of power.”

Walton stated, “I have been reading a few books about civil wars starting, and so many of history is repeating themselves in our country.” “I love this nation, this country has been kind to me, and to watch what people are trying do to this country…is just very worrying.”

Castro, who was crying, said to the judge that she didn’t glorify her actions. “I was too caught up in the energy and I wish I could change it over. I would have brought more peace.”

Walton said to Castro that she seemed “all in” during the battle of Jan. 6. Castro claimed that she was being “sucked in” by “dark energy forces” during the attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Castro’s lawyer Elita Amato told the judge that Castro “made a terrible mistake” in going to the Capitol and then “got caught up with everything” at the riot. Amato stated that she should have left. “She was unable to judge, and she did.”

Castro confessed to her guilty plea in November and that she had recorded herself climbing into Capitol Building on Jan. 6.

“I’m going inside. She said, “I’m going into the Capitol.” According to Castro’s statement of offense, she agreed to record herself entering the building. “We’re in! We are inside the Capitol House. We entered the Capitol.

Prosecutors requested 60-day imprisonment in Castro’s case. They argued that Castro “eagerly participated in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol” as well as “exulted at rioters’ success” echoing the words from the former president when she was forced to leave the Capitol.

“War just began. It’s only the beginning. According to the memo, Castro stated in one video that Trump said, “The best is yet to come.” It was so ugly. It was ugly. It became really bad. I am literally all by myself. They advised me to not be alone, but to join a group. And here I am by myself. This just proves how brave I am. You guys can do it if I can do it.

Castro stated that it was a civil war in another livestream after she and other members of the crowd were escorted from the Capitol by law enforcement. “We’re coming. … This is war.

Castro’s attorney stated in a memo that Castro and her husband were almost hit by a Trump golf ball in Pebble Beach in 2006. They wrote that they had an “amiable conversation” with Trump, which gave Castro a positive impression of Trump and helped her support him in his presidential run. According to , the lawyer saidCastro had “gotten caught up in the moment” Jan. 6, and “had a lapse in judgment and said things that were not typical of her.”

Castro’s attorney provided images of Castro waving a thin blue line flag while dressed up as police officers and images of Castro dressed as a butterfly.

Her attorney stated that Ms. Acosta was a normally quiet and gentle person who started participating in community rallies to support firefighters, police officers and military personnel during President Trump’s campaign. Her support for former President Trump, her curiosity and the desire to live-stream what she saw is the only reason she was there, along with her ability to get caught up in the moment.

Castro’s lawyer, who was seeking probation, stated that Castro and her husband had to leave California because of the loss of income and employment. Castro is now “starting a new life” which she hopes will bring her back to peace and tranquility, where she can give back to others.

In connection with Jan. 6, attack, the FBI has already arrested over 740 people and hundreds more are in the pipeline. The potential Jan.6 defendants who unlawfully entered the building or assaulted law enforcement officers, or any other chargeable conduct outside of the building are believed to total over 2,500.