Germans are burdened by rising energy prices and high inflation. In the crisis, CDU politician Schäuble calls on Germans to do without. One must recognize that many things cannot be taken for granted, said the former minister.

In view of the energy crisis, the former President of the Bundestag and ex-Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has prepared people in Germany for deprivation in winter. “Then you just put on a sweater. Or maybe a second sweater. You don’t have to complain about that, you have to recognize that a lot of things are not self-evident,” Schäuble told the Bild-TV broadcaster. Also, have some candles, matches, and a flashlight at home in case of a power outage.

“We are in a situation in which Putin has to painfully realize that his army is not nearly as efficient as he thought,” Schäuble continued. “We have to bet that Putin will calculate rationally in the end. So far, for his part, Putin is probably counting on us all backing down under his threat.” That shouldn’t happen. This war is also “our concern”.

On the subject of relief, Schäuble said that the state had to rely on helping those people who really needed help. “You have to tell the others: If you have to, you can’t go on a vacation trip,” said the CDU politician. “If we suggest to people that everything is unlimited, we’re overexploiting. Then people get the impression that the state can do everything.” That is not sustainable.

“The Germans will have to try harder again,” said Schäuble. He worries that many Germans would prefer to work less, for example part-time. That won’t work. Because there would be a shortage of workers everywhere. “My experience is: Always having fun – that’s not fulfilling life.”