the Chancellery chief Helge Braun (CDU) can imagine for the German Corona-the dead an act of state, following the example of Spain. “With all the joy of low infection numbers, we should put a sign that the Dead are not forgotten,” said brown of the “picture on Sunday”. It could be “a good sign for an end of the pandemic to make this souvenir degrading in the center”.

the pictures of carefree German tourists on Mallorca, he was “vexed,” said brown on. “Every tourist should keep in mind to protect not only themselves, but also taking care of the Virus to propagate in the host country and not in the home to bring along.” In addition, this behavior had damaged the reputation of the Germans in Spain. Spain had greatly suffered under the Corona, much stronger than Germany. Brown added: “we Also mourn the loss of nearly 10,000 people died on the Corona.”

The Chancellery chief drew a positive interim balance sheet to combat the Corona pandemic in Germany. “Currently, we can say: We have Corona in Germany in the handle,” said brown of the newspaper. “But this is a snapshot of the moment, the Virus is still in the country, it can always come again to outbreaks.”

need large-scale events, “good”

Still, organizes and controls brown introduced large-scale events in the field of culture and football games with Fans in the stadium for the fall in views. “With distance and the concept of Hygiene of sports events, with spectators performed. To large crowds but needs to be avoided. The stadiums will not be out of stock and has to be well controlled and organised.“ Events with a larger number of spectators he could see”, especially for cultural events such as Opera, theatre and concerts,” said brown on.

classes in schools, according to the will of the Chancellery, the heads of after the holidays if at all possible regularly be recorded. “We need to ensure that the school is operating after the summer holidays in Germany are largely normal.” The state must fulfill the educational mission for the children again. Necessary hygiene concepts are but it should be ensured that the contacts are, for example, only in the classroom.

the mask duty brown wants to hold on to the approval of a vaccine: “The mask is compulsory and represents a relatively low interference in the rights of citizens. And it is effective.“ The Chancellery chief stressed: “distance and wear masks to keep for me, more for basic protection, especially in indoor spaces.” Until a vaccine can be returned to the normal state. He expects to have a vaccine until the beginning of next year. At the same time, he appealed to the German, doctor visits, and surgeries due to Corona is not longer defer. The fact that many patients out of fear of the Corona remained, despite complaints from the home, make him “great concern”.