According to the provisional indictment against the Kosovar President HashimThaçi for alleged war crimes on Saturday in Washington for scheduled talks between Serbia and Kosovo are burst as well as. According to Thaçi, the Kosovan Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti said his participation. “Due to the new developments (…) I need to return to my country,” he told Thursday morning via Twitter.

The special Prosecutor of Kosovo, the criminal court in The Hague, was charged on Wednesday, provisional charges against Thaçi and several other actors of the Kosovan war of independence against Serbia in 1998/99. Thaçi had commanded the kosovo Albanian underground army UÇK. The provisional indictment puts the accused in a serious crime in ten points for the load, including murder, persecution and torture. The victims are said to have been hundreds of Serbs, Kosovo Albanians, Roma and political opponents.

Thaçi had already announced on Wednesday the American Balkan hire Richard Grenell its cancellation. Together with Hoti, he should have been in the White house, the Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić will meet.

Serbia denied the almost exclusively Albanian-inhabited Kosovo, the recognition, since this freed with Nato help in 1999 of Serbia, and in 2008, the independent declared. In 2011, the EU-mediated talks on the normalization of relations between the two Balkan countries for almost two years on the ice.