Bern insists on his no and refuses Germany to supply Swiss-made ammunition for the anti-aircraft tank “Gepard” to Ukraine. As justification, the Confederates refer to their right of neutrality.

Germany is not allowed to pass on Swiss-made ammunition for the “Gepard” anti-aircraft tank to Ukraine. Due to Swiss neutrality, it is not possible to grant the German application for the further export of this ammunition to Ukraine, Economics Minister Guy Parmelin explained in a letter to Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht. Swiss law therefore prohibits exports to countries involved in an armed conflict.

Germany asked Bern in early summer whether it could deliver the 12,400 rounds of ammunition for the “cheetah” to Kyiv. Switzerland had rejected this in June with reference to the neutrality requirement.

Lambrecht then recently wrote a letter to Switzerland again. According to media reports, the minister asked her Swiss colleague Viola Amherd for permission to re-export the 35-millimeter ammunition for the “cheetah”. According to “Spiegel”, Lambrecht referred to the protection of Ukraine’s critical infrastructure. She also referred to the protection of ports in the south of the country, which are crucial for exporting grain.

The “cheetah” was the first heavy weapon system that Germany had promised Ukraine. By September, all 30 promised anti-aircraft tanks were delivered to Ukraine.

The problem, however, was the ammunition from the start. Initially, only around 60,000 shots were available, which was often criticized as insufficient due to the high rate of fire of the anti-aircraft guns. According to “Spiegel”, in her most recent letter to Switzerland, Lambrecht reported an urgent “lack of ammunition” due to the intensive use of the “Gepard” against Russian drones and cruise missiles.