The AfD chairman Alexander Gaula has defended riots in Chemnitz. “When such a Tötungstat happens, it is normal for people to freak out,” said AfD chief of daily newspaper world. This is no different in Chemnitz than in Konstanz or Freiburg.

There is no reason to distance yourself from a tweet by AfD Bundestag MEP Markus Frohnmaier. He had written: “If state can no longer protect citizens, people will go to streets and protect mselves. Easy! Today it is a citizen’s duty to stop deadly ‘ knife migration ‘. Gaula said: “Self-defense is certainly not self-justice. Nothing else is meant. “

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Due to anor contribution in social networks, German Federation of Journalists (DJV) has demanded that protection of Constitution should observe AfD. The AfD-Kreis association in district of Taunus had posted on Facebook: “At some time radio houses as well as press houses were stormed and employees were dragged onto street – media representatives in this country should Thinking, because when mood finally tilts, it is too late. ” The post has now been deleted.

The chairman of DJV, Frank everywhere, said that AfD called “indirectly to violence against publishers and radio houses.” The party is “offensive against fundamental right to freedom of press” and must be observed. Everywhere it was pointed out that AfD had barred multiple journalists from party days and whose top politicians had “repeated media baiting”. It is about “systematic attempts to discredit media and journalists”.

Chemnitz-so experienced reporters riots police have not arrived against approximately 5,000 right demonstrators. This shows shots of reporters who were on road with helmets and security personnel. © Photo: Thomas Victor Publication of arrest warrant “totally unacceptable”

Meanwhile, Federal Ministry also criticized publication of a warrant against one of presumed murderers of Chemnitz. A spokesman called process “completely unacceptable”. Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) said that it could not be that “highly personal things, but also internal procedures of judiciary” would be public. “There is a need to examine all possibilities available to rule of law,” minister said. The incidents in Chemnitz were also subject in federal cabinet.

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After killing of a 35-year-old, on Sunday and Monday in Chemnitz, right-wing extremists and hooligans had demonstrated and attacked people with a migrant background. On Wednesday, Saxon state Criminal Police office and Chemnitz Police Directorate formed a joint Investigation group to “quickly transfer offenders”, as it was said. The internal committee of Landtag will also deal with riots.