
  • Page 1 — on its own
  • Page 2 — strategies to get through everyday life
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    When neo-Nazis broke through a police chain in Chemnitz on Sunday and started a chase on supposed migrants, Rola Saleh did not go away. The 40-year-old stopped and cried, “racists! This is racism! ” One against hundreds-but not long. “A giant big guy” had come up to her, pushed her to ground and started beating her. “After that, a cop came and sent me away. He has done nothing against assailant, “recalls Saleh.

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    Rola Saleh is a social worker, in which association AGIUA supports young people with a migrant background. Now she sits in a garden, but in past few days she rarely went to work. She didn’t feel well. “It’s not afraid, I just can’t believe it all,” she says with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to admit it.” The tears quickly blinks m away again. Saleh has made it his mission to remain focused and to be a voice for or migrants. Having a voice is especially important now, because sign that goes out of police and state Government is: “You are on your own. No one will help you. “

    Saleh would also like to have come to Saxony discussion with Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, in Chemnitz stadium he posed to questions and concerns of population. With onslaught that rights had announced at same time, Saleh is too uncertain. “No migrant will go re when neo-Nazis are at door,” she says. Instead, she will give a note to a blond friend. There is an urgent request to Prime Minister: Kretschmer should finally take worries of refugees seriously. And make sure you can go back safely to streets.

    For that I will always be a dago

    Mohammed Osman also practises to preserve version and to remain pragmatic. The 30-year-old operates Lebanese bistro El-Mina in city centre. There are many young people sitting outside door. Osman’s Bistro has developed into a popular meeting place especially for alternative young people and immigrant families. At spontaneous parade on Sunday, he first thought police rooms were festival. But n he heard cries. The neo-Nazis were thankfully bent in or direction. For those who march, all foreigners are equal, says Osman: “I can do what I want. I’ll always be a dago for m.

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    Osman says he pays taxes and is happy to live in Germany. But right now, fear is about to go. On Monday he closed his shop before onslaught and directed surveillance camera to windows. Luckily, nothing happened. But his employees are now afraid to go to streets. “In evening, ask me to drive you home by car,” says Osman. “I don’t want city to break down and not to ruin democracy.”

    Benjamin Schumann, refugee worker in Saxon Refugee Council, advises those who can no longer preserve ir version. He was reported by many refugees who were attacked during demonstrations. “Many do not understand processes, do not know what y are for parades,” says Schumann. Many wished to leave place as quickly as possible. More recently, he is frequently asked if y can still send ir children to school. Then it is important for Schumann to build up people so far that y can take part in everyday life again.