the Number of deaths in the covid-19 rose on Tuesday to more than 2,000 in China. At the same time, a positive trend can be tracked. The number of new infected with a virus, 1.749, for the first time since the end of January, less than 2,000 people. Also, in Hubei, the province in which the majority of the cases were found, which reported a reduction in the number of new cases.

it is, however, too early to declare the fight against the spread under control.

” It looks like a drop in the number of new cases. However, it is still too early to tell whether the decline will continue. Each and every scenario is still possible, ” said Tedros Ghebreyesus, the world health organisation’s director-general.

to get back to normal ruljangs for nyårsledigheten. The government has a difficult balancing act-to go in between to shake the life into the economy and help control the spread of the virus.

Recently said the Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, according to state television, that China will achieve this year’s growth target, in spite of the virus.

But, so far, go to China AB is far from it, and economists are warning of an increase in unemployment, if not, the contagion will soon be under control.

the worst affected areas are encouraged to be up and running again. However, in many practical problems, to get back to full production levels, as millions of migrant workers are stuck in their hemprovinser due to travel restrictions. The ministry of transport estimates that less than one-third of the 290 million migrant workers back in their jobs, according to the South China Morningpost.

another complication is that when they do return they are often forced to sit in quarantine before they can return to work.

it is Not only the output is affected. Also, consumer spending has ground to a halt as a result of so many people sitting at home in isolation from each other. Many of the restaurants remained closed, and the shopping malls are empty.

a reduced or delayed payment of wages, which does not help to boost consumer spending.

the Company also reported problems with the logistics. The supply of raw materials is delayed, the whole chain is broken. This applies not only to that of China. Car makers across the world do not have the components, as a result of the virus. Hubei province is a center for the production of parts for the automotive industry.

in Countries such as south Korea, Singapore, and Japan have all warned of serious economic consequences, and the announced stimulus program.

On Wednesday, was launched at the same time, the evacuation of the cruise ship, the Diamond Princess, where passengers had to stay in quarantine for two weeks outside of Yokohama, Japan. The ship is the place outside China, which has the highest number of people infected, 542 of the 3, the the 700, they have been diagnosed with covid-19.

for more information, see a Difficult to predict the development of the covid-19
