The Church tax revenue of the Catholic Church in Germany has risen in 2019 again. Despite the decline in the number of members, there was a high of 6.76 billion euros, a new record, such as a Monday by the bishops ‘ conference in Bonn, published a brochure stating. In 2018, the Catholic Church recorded a tax 6,643 billion euros in Church, almost 1.8% less.

For the current year, both churches are expecting a sharp drop due to the Corona-pandemic economic crisis. The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) announced in early July their Numbers: 2019 increased the revenue slightly, by 2.7 percent to 5.95 billion euros (2018: 5,79).

the main reason for the Trend is the positive situation on the German labour market in 2019 and the related increase in wage and income tax. Million members of the Protestant as the Catholic Church, pay a member’s contribution to their churches, called the Church tax. The amount is based on the wage or income of the member and amounts, depending on the state on eight or nine per cent of the wage or income tax.