Greenpeace activists climbed at a protest action against the planned coal act, the Federal government’s exit on the roof of the CDU party headquarters in Berlin, and have covered the building with black fabric. “Here you need to listen to us,” said a spokeswoman in a Video, the Greenpeace said on early Wednesday morning about on Twitter. To see the protesters, a banner unfurled on the roof of the Konrad-Adenauer-house goods. The activists alleged that Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) and its party, the scientists, and the coal Commission will not listen.

The planned coal phase-law of the Federal government was a “Farce”, commenting on the Greenpeace spokeswoman. “All of our money is to be used to pay for the damage caused by the coal industry.” The police confirmed a use.

In a communication from the environmental organization stated that the proposed law consider one-sided industrial interests. The facade of the CDU party headquarters had been imposed in Protest at with a total of around 3000 square metres of black fabric. On a Banner, it was next to the portrait of Peter Altmaiers: “CDU: Dark shops with the coal industry! #No money fürgestern“.

Germany is to get off until 2038 step out of the climate-damaging coal-fired power generation. The draft coal phase-law provides a specific roadmap for the premature Shutdown of coal-fired power plants. Central laws for the coal phaseout is to be decided on Friday by the Bundestag and the Bundesrat and, thus, before the parliamentary summer break.