Scheikes lived out his last days in peace at home with the Brita, Sylvan. She was one of those women who have been in the omstridde the man’s loyal companion through the years.

” It’s always tough when a man grows old. He was 95 years of age, and it is not so clear in my head any longer, it will be different, pure and simple. That’s the way life is, ” she said.

Scheike was carried out by Brita, Sylvan, and her writer friend Sarah Ogebratt with the help of home care in the last days.

” in the Last month, he stayed with me in the Back. It was here that he died.

Sylvan wrote on Facebook that the man was trying to keep His Scheikes’s death a secret and to keep those prying eyes out of hemlighölls the day of the burial. After begravningsandakten, there was a minnessammankomst to the next.

“I was very sad, quite broken-hearted when he died,” says paul germain, and continued:

” I’ve lived with him for 40 years, and he has been incredibly attached to him. He has meant so much to me in my life right now.
didn’t have a lot of assets

Pursuant to the Tax estate registration was Scheike, very few of the assets on death. The only dödsboldelägaren, his son, did not inherit very much.

funeral expenses, including the flowers, is paid to stop the succession of more than minus 11 000.

” No, he didn’t have a lot, and he had never earned any money. This is me and Karen, who made it, explaining the Truth Downtown.

” No, but we have not received any contributions.

Brita, Sylvan, and Hans Scheike in a photo from 2013.Photo by: PRIVATE
The farm is situated in Ljusnarsberg, where Scheike, founded his college with the well-known risterapin, was owned for many years by Brita, Sylvan, 76, and David Ogebratt, 69.

However, now that Scheike’s gone, looking to sell the property. the Trial, a great deal of attention,

Hans Scheike and was sentenced at the end of the ‘ 80s, to six years in prison for sexual abuse of a child. Even his women, were convicted at trial.

It was in 1988 that three of the children ran away from her and blew the whistle on serious misconduct. The commission of inquiry and the process was extremely publicized. Hans Scheike in the bottom of a graphologist who analyzed the handwriting, has come to be known as the ”sexsektledaren” for it.

Hans Scheike and two of the women in the community, in the Trees.Photo by: MARTINA HUBER

the Brita, Sylvan believes that the Scheike, and the other people involved, including her own, she has been their offense. She has been writing a book, if it were possible to give him any kind of justice.

” I don’t think it’s come up in the reporting as to how he was. The only people who can tell you if it’s Sarah, and I, who lived so near him, to end the Brita, Sylvan.

READ MORE: come true, Hans Scheike and his death – was 95 years of age. READ MORE: of Women’s lives in the Scheikes the farm: ”the Reality is far vidrigare”

READ MORE: in the Pictures, the inside of the sexsekten: the Bloody doll and the sword

TV: Sektledarens the lives of the women, an old man,