The Israeli army has attacked claims to military targets in southern Syria. It was a response to the shelling of the Israeli-occupied Golan heights of Syria, said the army on Friday evening. The information, according to the Israeli army helicopters attacked the post, among other things, a monitoring and intelligence service facilities of the Syrian army. “We hold the Regime in Syria responsible for and will respond to any breach of Israel’s sovereignty,” – said in a Tweet, the Israeli armed forces.

According to the Syrian news Agency Sana three targets of Israeli missiles were taken. The state television that it was poor positions around the town of Quneitra. Two soldiers were slightly injured. Also forest fires were caused by the fact, reported Sana.

hundreds of attacks since 2011

Earlier, the Israeli army reports of explosions on the Syrian side of the border area to Israel. A civilian building and a vehicle were damaged. According to reports, the damage in the place Madschdal Shams originated in the Golan heights.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for human rights was the area of Quneitra from a series of heavy explosions rocked the spot. The Syrian air defenses have attacked a number of “enemy” targets. About possible victims ‘ rights, no knowledge prior to learning the people.

Since the beginning of the civil war in Syria in 2011, the Israeli air force flew troops, hundreds of attacks on the Syrian government and its Iranian allies. However, Israel only confirms rare military operations in Syria.