The conversation with the Chancellor of Germany in Meseberg is the last of four Meetings with key EU partners, the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, on his visit to the program prior to the EU summit next Friday in Brussels had set in. In Lisbon and Madrid, Conte had strengthened at the beginning of last week, the “axis” of countries that seek from the EU funds for the “reconstruction” as much as possible as a grant instead of only as a loan. In The Hague it was on Friday that’s why, when Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, to explore whether and how far the “Thrifty Four” of their refusal to abandon the attitude towards a partial pooling of debt could be ready.

Matthias Rüb

Political correspondent for Italy, the Vatican, Albania and Malta, based in Rome.

F. A. Z.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in the conflict for a number of reasons, the key figure for Conte and his left-wing coalition, in Rome. The word Berlin has than that of the strongest economy in the Eurozone, particular weight, especially if it is spoken, in accordance with Paris. The presidency of Germany in the second half of the year 2020 is Berlin additional influence on the Agenda and the decision-making process. And with the u-turn by the Chancellor, in principle, the dispute is almost like a decision in principle that there should be the entry in the de facto mutualisation of debt. In order to draw the Chancellor in a dispute over the reconstruction funds completely on his side, Conte ablation but also a strange debt to pay: He must promise her that Rome will accept funds from the European stability mechanism (ESM).

A question of honor?

it goes up to 36 billion euros of virtually interest-free loans, to take the Rom from the ESM is much more favourable conditions could be considered on the international financial markets. The social-democratic Partito Democratico (PD), the smaller Partner in Contes-left coalition, is for the acceptance of the offer: The saved interest-billion, can use this especially hard by the pandemic hit the country for urgent investment in the health sector, the infrastructure and the digitalization of good. The left-wing populist Five-star movement, which the non-party Prime Minister of the world is clearly closer, and without their support he would not even be able to ascend to the highest government office, are against the adoption of the ESM-credit: It of your links contradict nationalist “disposition”, in the framework of the Euro group for ESM loans and, thus, national sovereignty in questions of raising money for the state budget is handed down. Also the opposition right-wing nationalist by Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni, the more technical conflict of the best sources of Credit is a question of national honor.