Russia wants the media to start according to reports, already in October, with the first mass vaccination campaign against the novel Coronavirus. The national research Institute, Gamaleja in Moscow have completed the clinical Trials with the vaccine, said health Minister Mikhail Muraschko on Saturday, according to the Interfax news Agency. The application for approval will be prepared. Doctors and teachers should be vaccinated first. “We are planning wider vaccinations for October,” was Murashko quoted. Also, the news Agency RIA reported. So far, there is still no vaccine against the Virus.

in the World, scientists are feverishly working on more than 100 kinds of vaccines, also in Germany. At least four of them are according to the world health organization (WHO) in the final Phase III human trials, including three vaccine candidates in China and in the UK.

Reuters had recently learned from an Insider that the Russian authorities want to allow in August of the first vaccine. He should be made first to the employees in the health sector. However, the speed with which Russia the vaccine to the market, has been abroad, begs the question of whether Moscow will provide national Prestige, science and security. Federal Minister of research, Anja Karliczek had recently declared not to be expected before mid-2021, with a vaccine for the General population.