According to the travel warning by the Federal government for the largest part of Spain has accused Green party leader Anna Lena Baerbock Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) error. It was “a fatal omission”, that the Corona-Tests for returnees from high-risk countries had only been in the middle of decided to the trip shaft, criticized Baerbock on Saturday on the edge of a party tags the North Rhine-Westphalian Green party in Dortmund. “It would have to be at the beginning of the summer holidays, and not just before the end.” Meanwhile, thousands of tourists had already returned to Germany.

Wrong, the decision of the European Union, the Middle seat in airplanes should continue to be occupied to be. “All have been warned, underscore Baerbock. “This is an absolute accelerator of the whole crisis.” In the midst of the pandemic, and absolute caution was still “offered”.

The Federal government had extended on Friday, yet for some Spanish regions, current travel warning on the whole of the Spanish mainland and the Balearic Islands. Belongs to this group of Islands, the popular holiday island of Mallorca. Excluded from the travel warning, which allows you to package tourists a free cancellation of the travel contract, are only the Canary Islands.

The health authorities in Germany reported that according to information from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) until Saturday morning 1415 new Corona infections within a day. In view of the since the end of July, increasing to infection numbers in the RKI added in its latest situation report, a new warning: “crowds of people – spaces, particularly in inner – should as far as possible avoided, and celebrate on the closest family and circle of friends remain limited.”

Meanwhile, it became known that it also comes in Rhineland-Palatinate to delays in the Transmission of the Corona Test results, such as in Trier. All positive cases were notified immediately, said the head of the health office of Trier and the Trier-Saarburg, Harald Michels, the German press Agency.”This is not the case here and in Bavaria. We don’t make it only, the negative findings in a timely manner get out of to admit.“ Previously, the ZDF had reported on the delays.

Drastic delays had existed previously, in Bavaria. The 44,000 returnees from traveling abroad waited Stand Wednesday after Tests carried out on the highways on your results, including Hundreds of demonstrably Infected.