Diebayerische SPD chief Natasha Kohnen calls on Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) to take back controversial decree of Cross. “A sovereign prime Minister would give error and take remission,” she said to Augsburg General. Kohnen accused Söder of having abused cross for an “election campaign maneuver.”

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The decree was beschlossenworden in April by Bavarian provincial government and entered into force this Friday. From now on, a cross must hang in Eingangsbereichjeder Provincial Authority – only universities, atres and Museensind are exempt from scheme.

Criticism also came from Denbayerischen greens. These assume that decree is Verfassungswidrig. “The CSU government production is self-aware that rule is not permissible, so sieweder controls still carry out sanctions and now flee in exceptions to rule,” said Green Landtag Vice President Ulrike Gote of Augsburger Allgemeines.

Söder wants to talk to critics of cross-decree

For Söderist, hanging of crosses in authorities ‘ entrances is an “expression of historical and cultural PrägungBayerns”. The Covenant for Freedom of Mind stated on Thursday that legal action is contemplating against decree.

Söders Decree was also discussed by Kirchenvertreternkontrovers. In May, prime Minister announced that he would like to come to a discussion with DenKritikern of decree. In June, re should be EinenRunden table to values, culture and identity in which representatives of VonReligionsgemeinschaften, science, customs and culture Seinsollen involved.