A note is Karina Puderbach-Stretch is particularly important. After the presiding judge of the 5. Criminal Senate of the higher regional court (OLG) Düsseldorf has announced on Friday that the German-Tunisian Sabri B. for five years in prison, because he supports the Islamist group Ahrar al shame, and later as a self-proclaimed “Cyber-Jihadist” of Germany from the worst kind of Propaganda for terrorist organizations has been operated, begins Puderbach-Stretch not immediately with the reading of the verdict. Rather, they pointed out, first, that the process against Sabri B. was not politically motivated.

Pure Burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

It sounds like a self-evident, helpless replica of the so-strictly as unwise to conflict defense set the lawyers of the accused. In her plea had claimed that the police and the judiciary had harassed Sabri B. in the past few years. The state itself was largely responsible for that, that B. had always taken a more radical way. In the Rest of the Islamists-processes in Germany would be kept up to date “under the premise of the presumption of Guilt”, political considerations took precedence over legal judgments. Acquittal had been demanded by the defenders, in all Seriousness.

no, against Sabri B. the judgment had not been fixed from the outset, says the judge on Friday. It is based, rather, on extensive evidence. “This will result in the next few hours.” Puderbach-Dehne says quite sober. But it doesn’t take long until these sober words to develop an impressive force.