WASHINGTON — The first trial of a defendant accused in an attack on the U.S. Capitol Jan. 6 began Monday. This process showed the strong opinions that many citizens of the capital have regarding the riot of last year.

A federal courthouse, with a view of Capitol dome, was where the riot took place. Defense attorneys, federal prosecutors and a judge interrogated dozens of District of Columbia residents about their feelings and those of the defendants.

Guy Reffitt is the first to be tried to see how the justice system handled the riot. He was a Texas resident who was arrested after his son flagged him to the FBI prior to the Jan. 6th attack. Reffitt was charged with unlawfully transporting gun in D.C. to support civil disorder, and other charges such as obstruction of an official proceeding.

Jurors referred to the attack as “crazy”, “reprehensible” and “atrocious.” They described being viscerally affected by the attack. They spoke about the experiences of others who had been “freaked out” by Jan. 6. Some stated that they had formed strong opinions about Jan. 6. Others told the court that they would find it difficult to change their views.

One potential juror stated that “I believe everybody who went in there was already innocent,” and was quickly dismissed. “I believe everyone should be tried to the maximum.”
One young man stated, “I thought it was crazy.” “I have never seen it before.”

One older man stated that “The Capitol should never have been invaded”

Washington, as Washingtonians call it, is a small community. Many of Washington’s residents have connections to both the government and the attack.

A long-time resident of D.C. had a daughter who worked for the Department of Homeland Security. A former Capitol page and congressional staffer spoke to his ex-boss, Rep. Brad Schneider (D.Ill.), about the U.S. Capitol Attack. One man was the stepfather of former President Donald Trump’s Ambassador to Canada and United Nations. A public relations professional worked with journalists covering the Jan. 6 attack. He also knew people who were in the Capitol at the time. There were many lawyers.

Potential jurors shared their personal stories about Jan. 6 or those they knew who were affected by the attack at the Capitol. One woman working at the Library of Congress recalled how she had instructed employees to come to work on Jan. 6, when they were either forced to evacuate or shelter in their place.


One potential juror stated that it would be difficult for him to be neutral. He also said that it felt like an attack on his home. More than 92 percent D.C. voters have cast their ballots for President Joe Biden. However, not all potential jurors were united politically.

One elderly woman claimed that she had listened to podcasts from a right-wing conspiracytheorist who spread a false flag narrative about Jan. 6’s attack. This suggested that the Capitol attack was an FBI plot.

The trial will last approximately one week and will include testimony from Reffitt’s son and the police officers who defended Capitol on Jan. 6.

In connection with the attack on the U.S. Capitol, more than 740 people were arrested by FBI. over 200 have pleaded guilty. There are many more cases that could be brought to justice, and hundreds have already been identified online.