After a fatal shooting, a 27-year-old African American, was fired in Atlanta a police officer. Another had been suspended from active service on the road, announced the police on Sunday. On Saturday the police chief Erika Shields had resigned. The case sparked new protests in Atlanta after having eased to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Protesters set fire to the Fast-Food Restaurant in a fire, where the Events had played on Friday night, they also blocked a road.

The man had been shot in a conflict with the police shot and in the case of an emergency surgery to have died. Prior to that, he had not passed an alcohol test and should be arrested. The African-Americans resisted, however, and he managed to steal a stun gun, the officials. Footage from surveillance cameras show how he runs away from the two white police officers and a Hand with an object in the high and in the direction of a civil servant holds, which is a few steps behind him. The policeman draws his weapon and fires, while the man is running and then falls to the ground.

In parked and payed the car sleeping

the origin of the conflict was, apparently, a complaint, because of the two police officers are used to the Fast-Food Restaurant has been called. Accordingly, the 27-Year-old in a Park, slept in the car in the Drive-In area of the fast-food restaurants, and blocked access; other vehicles would have had to wind around the car. The police of Atlanta asked the state investigative authority Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the GBI, the case to investigate. Its Director Vic Reynolds said with regard to the published video scenes, the man ran away before the officers. It looked as if he had held the stun gun in his Hand.

The first clash with the police was not on the to – according to police, a scuffle that the man, among other things, in vain, a stun gun was used and he managed to take the so-called Taser itself. Atlanta’s mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, had declared on Saturday afternoon, from their point of view, the use of deadly force was not “justified”. They have called for the immediate dismissal of the police officer who had fired the shot.