In comparison to a flu with severe lung failure are the significantly higher mortality rates in ventilated Corona-patients extremely worrying. Not even half of the artificially Ventilated survived, as it is now a reliable study shows that more than 10,000 patients data were evaluated. And with what a result of damage to the lungs and other organs of the patient, the ventilator and the artificial coma have survived, is not known. Until now evidence for the long-term of a Covid follow-19-disease are frightening.

of Course, the Elderly and people with typical prosperity diseases such as high blood pressure, sugar and Obesity are at a higher risk, but also of the 18 to 59 year old patients had to be ventilated, is more than died in a quarter. In the meantime, doctors and lung specialist physicians know intensely a lot more about the Sars-CoV-2 Virus than to the beginning of the pandemic, as often out of fear of respiratory failure to quickly to artificial respiration was resorted to.

The Old can only be protected if the Generation of workers and young people, who feel sometimes about all the risks of infection sublime, are aware of their responsibility. Covid-19 is a serious disease! Alarmism is as little attached to how reality is stranger levity. There needs to be a reasonable way of dealing with the Corona-a reality that will determine the life for an unforeseeable time.