the parliamentary Secretary of The Union group, Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU), has praised his party colleague Philip Amthor for his dealings with the lobbying allegations. “Philip Amthor has committed a political mistake,” said Grosse-Brömer, the “New osnabrück newspaper”. “He has viewed and apologized very quickly for this political error. I thought that was right and proper.“

How Amthors legally conduct is to rate, it was up to the Bundestag administration, added Grosse-Brömer. “This review should we wait and see for the first time.” Basically, to be Reprehensible in addition to activities of members of “nothing”. However, it must be made transparent, “who I work for, and that may have dependencies”.

Amthor is in the criticism, because he has worked for the American company Augustus Intelligence, and in return for share options. This had revealed the “mirror”. Amthor described his behavior, in the meantime, as an error and explained that the next activity will be terminated. On Friday evening, he announced that he renounces to the candidacy for the CDU land Chairman in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. He was the only candidate for the Post.

The case of Amthor also sparked a new discussion on the establishment of a lobby register for the Bundestag. Therein, the contacts of members are to be recognized in the companies and lobbyists. The SPD and opposition politicians are calling something like this a long time, the Union had so far, but with reservations.

Grosse-Brömer said to the newspaper, the Register should be brought within the current parliamentary term. “A lobby register is to come, the only question is how it should look.”