Democratic Party officials across the country are optimistic about being on President Biden’s agenda. They also want to capitalize on the warmer views of Trump’s handling of Russia’s invasion in Ukraine and his praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

At the Democratic National Committee’s Winter Meeting, Washington, D.C., attendees acknowledged the complex combination of factors that faced them, including the historical headwinds and rising living costs due to inflation and gasoline prices.

“It’s not that we are afraid, but we are anxious. Because things change so rapidly, we want to move. Gas prices go up. Some good things happen. It’s back and forth. Janet Bewley (the top Democrat in Wisconsin’s Senate) said that there are so many unpredicted events leading up to it. “Everybody wants their voters to be identified and motivated.

DNC members met for the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic. They agreed that the party must do more to increase the direct impact of President Biden’s agenda.

remarks to party members on Thursday by Mr. Biden suggested that Democrats could address high gas prices and inflation through parts of his Build Back better plan. This was after the larger bill, which had been drafted in the Senate amid intraparty divisions.

He said that “at a time where food and gas prices have risen, if you lower other major expenses for families, you will be able to help their standard of living.” He was referring to the push to lower prescription drug costs and child care costs.

He called rising gas prices “Putin’s price hikes at pump” and stated that, “as painful today is, the costs will be higher if you don’t act now to confront this tyrant.”

Jamie Harrison, DNC Chair, also blamed Putin for invading Ukraine for the spike in gas prices. Harrison believes that voters made the same connection and blaming him rather than Mr. Biden.

He also accused Republicans being “soft-on Russia”, citing ex-President Trump’s praise for Putin and Madison Cawthorn’s denigration of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“We have the Republican Party. The former president of the United States. He’s talking about how the ex-KGB officer is a genius and is savvy. Madison Cawthorn is demeaning the president of Ukraine,” he stated in an interview on Thursday, . He was referring to a video by a freshman GOP Congressman calling Volodymyr Zelenskyy “thug”.

The DNC and Republicans have kept up with each other on the money front. They raised over $161,000,000 through January 2022 with $63,000,000 cash on hand. Meanwhile, the Republican National Committee has received $171.6 Million and has $51,000,000 in the bank.

However, Mr. Biden’s approval rate has been decreasing over the past year, particularly among independent voters. The CBS News poll last Sunday showed a 43% approval rate, which is consistent with his numbers from November 2021.

A poll revealed that 46% of Americans approve of Vice President Joe Biden’s handling with Russia and Ukraine. This is slightly higher than the 41% he received at the start of the conflict. The president’s approval rating for the economy is still at 62% and his disapproval rating for inflation is at 69%.

Susan Swecker (chair of Virginia’s Democratic Party) said, “If I got anxious every time somebody’s approval numbers went up or down I don’t know how I would ever get out from bed.” “Biden has done an incredible amount of work. He was a bit of an accident from the previous occupant, so let’s give him another chance.

Some Democrats worry about the impact of Biden’s declining approval ratings and rising costs on their party’s image in rural and more competitive areas.

Anthony Flaccavento of the Rural Urban Bridge Initiative, Virginia, stated that the party’s “image problem is due to our own way of projecting who and what we are.”

“The way that we talk is too complicated. He said, “We use too many words, they are too complicated.”

Ken Martin, a DNC vice-chair from Minnesota, spoke of his father-in law who voted twice for Trump as an example voter who needs more “hope” from Democratic Party.

Martin stated, “He needs to be a champion. He needs to feel that someone cares.” Martin said, “If they don’t see us doing this, they won’t vote for us…we’re not going to become a national party if our party is just density and education.”

Sean Patrick Maloney, the New York Congressman and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman, echoed this sentiment at a House Democratic Issues Retreat in Philadelphia.

Maloney stated, “We must talk like real people” and pass the Maloney brothers test.

“If your brothers think that you are a jerk, and you go home for Thanksgiving, they don’t care about your grade point average. Maloney said that you must show up, be a person, and build a relationship with your voter. Republicans only need a net gain in five seats to win the House.

Republicans mocked — and even welcomed — a Democratic strategy for campaign that relies upon Mr. Biden’s record and agenda.

“Democrats will continue to lose as long as they push Biden’s failed agenda,” said Emma Vaughaughaugh, RNC spokesperson. Emma Vaughn, spokesperson for the RNC, stated that Democrats on all levels of the ballot are in sync with Biden and will be held responsible for his failures in November.

Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States, stated that 2020 voters got what they wanted. She cited everything from the infrastructure bill to Kentaji Brown Jackson’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. She urged them not to forget that while they campaign.

They took time off work. It was hard. They got a lot of the things they wanted. Let’s go out there and remind them,” she stated in the closing remarks of Saturday’s conference.